

General Rants

I’m sure (most) everyone knows what Callwave is, right? If ya don’t, ah well… be glad ya didn’t. In brief, it’s an online answering machine for the cheap fucks like me. Ya know, someone that still uses shitty $9.95 a month Juno dialup Internet.

And also, when you only have one phone line in the house, your asshole friends, family members, and debt collectors can still leave ya that “special” message you don’t wanna hear anyway! But anyway, nothing pisses me off more than my shitty brother calling every god damn time I get online!!

The fucking asshole can’t call while I’m at work all god damn fucking day, he has to wait until he figures I’m just getting online, or I am already online!!!! I get home from shit work around 4:15pm EST, and he’ll call around 5pm when I usually get online! He can’t call any earlier, because after all… I’m not home to get online, nor am I usually online before 5pm. So naturally, the fat fuck face pain the fucking ass has to call at 5pm!

Nothing like… JUST SIGNING ONTO THE NET, and then the Callwave thing pops up! “INCOMING CALL! IT’S YOUR PAIN IN THE FUCKING ASS BROTHER AGAIN!!” …. So naturally… I instantly click the X button, to close out the Callwave all together! And yell… “GO FUCK YOURSELF!”

Then yell downstairs to gram, “CALL MIKE AGAIN!! HE NEEDS TO TALK TO YOU AGAIN, BECAUSE HE FUCKING RETARDED!” I mean shit, the fuck nut can’t just call BEFORE I / someone else in the family gets online… He has to wait until we ARE ONLINE to call! It’s fucking bullshit!

Just like today, he called around 5:12pm… I closed out Callwave and yelled to gram to call him. She was like.. “Oh God! What now!?!?” So she called him. An hour later, I reopened Callwave… thinking it was SAFE again. Boy was I wrong! He fucking called 14 times more, up till 6:50pm from the last time he spoke with her at 5:13pm!! Again, I yelled down to gram… “CALL MIKE AGAIN!!! HE CALLED 14 TIMES SINCE YA LAST SPOKE WITH THE RETARD ABOUT HOUR AGO!”

She was like (while throwing arms and hands up in air)… “OH GOD! WHAT’S HE WANT NOW!?!?!? I JUST SPOKE WITH HIM A LITTLE BIT AGO!!!!” I told pap before, even though we NEED Callwave, I still think we should cancel it and use that money spent on Callwave payments, to block his number and his fat ugly 60 year old girlfriend’s number from calling here… He laughed.

It’s fucked up though too, it’s not just the pain in the fucking ass brother that calls WHILE I’m just getting online, or while already online… it’s anyone in general. But mostly my family members. Of course, there’s only one person that can call whenever and I won’t get mad at em for it…

Either way, like in this image preview here (click image to see full version), I wish I had the following options to choose from:

Brother + Callwave = Pain in the fucking ass!

I know, I know… get something better then Juno Dialup, ya cheap bastard! My response: “Ya gonna give me the money for something better?” No? Aight then, shut the fuck up and call me, so I can close Callwave on ya! Well, for everyone except one person… :D

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Shit sells!

General Rants

And then quality don’t sell for a shit! As I was trying to prove a point in the DigishitalPoint forums.. I mean, Template Sales forums…

Bargain shoppers and cheap skates hurt the design / template creating market in general. Everyone expects designs / themes so cheap, it’s fucking bullshit! Then the quality unique stuff doesn’t want bought at reasonable (high) prices, it basically “forces” that seller / designer / coder to sell it at rock bottom prices, which is a disgrace.

Shit = Sells!
Quality = Don’t sell for a shit because everyone wants things FREE / cheap! It’s sickening.

I whipped up a couple QUICK designs at 5am something the other day, and tried selling them off once. Hell, I at LEAST thought this one would go faster!

It’s a one of a kind design! Totally unique and different from anyone else’s. Shit, how many other people out there have the exact same shit on their desktops that I do… None I’m sure..

The sale threads weren’t to be serious of course, just to see what people would do or not do about them… It’s amazing though…and at the same time, it’s total bullshit… Designs like the ones I whipped up normally go like hot cakes, however mine weren’t!?!?!?!?! WTF!?!?!?! LOL!

Ah well, at least there were a few people agreeing with me though. And to think, I wrote up a rant thread on their forums 305 days ago, about the exact same shit! I guess we all just gotta face the facts… DigitalPoint forums is the place to go to buy and sell the SHIT!

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Gene the fuckin Drama Queen…

General It Is Said

*Sniffle* *Sniffle*… Awww, apparently I was being too mean on the wp-testers emailing list, now my reply to this Gene guys email is being held for moderation.

It’s a shame too, because my last reply wasn’t even a bad one. Nor was it trying to keep things continuing, however, his was. Of course, as per usual, “they’ll” let “them” get the last word in on the list. That’s okay though, I’ll say my piece here.

It’s kinda fucked up though too, because Gene the Fuckin Drama Queen was the one to take the email over the edge and into an argumentative state. I was merely just being sarcastic with a few things, and bastard Gene Steinberg had to take it over and beyond just sarcasm.

Now you tell me, is my reply bad?

Gene Steinberg wrote:
I have a great bridge in Brooklyn, NY I can sell you real cheap.

Ha ha.

spencerp wrote:
Really!?!?!? I’m in dire NEED of a bridge!! This way I can throw people off of it if need be. Well, not just them but myself… how much you looking for? :P hahaha…

Nope, there was nothing wrong with it. Now, his on the other hand IS. It’s just asking for an argument.

Gene Steinberg wrote:
How about one to replace a couple of your teeth? :)

spencerp wrote:
Aww, is Gene the Drama Queen getting “tough” with me now… I’m flattered.
Your undies must be pulled up to tight in the ass crack, might wanna adjust it. I was just f-ing around.

Wow, for someone to point out needing a bridge to replace a couple of the teeth, he sure does alot of talking. I think the Golden State Bridge would be able to span across yours with no problems Gene… I mean, look at that HUGE gap there buddy.

Gene The Fuckin Drama Queen...

Don’t Gene the Fuckin Drama Queen look like a Goofy Gay closet case pedophile? Yes, yes he does.. I knew you’d agree with me… No wonder he has a strong interest in UFOs and other paranormal phenomena, his mother was human, and the father was alien. Fucking Goofy Gay Gene the Drama Queen.

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You Know You’re Cheap When…..

Twisted Jokes

Below here is some twisted jokes or whatever I had made up while being on the shitter taking a big ass SHIT! They might not be really funny but…deal with it fuckers!

You Know You’re Cheap When…

1) You think everything in the Dollar General Store is too expensive…and can’t wait for them to mark things down.

2) You find yourself browsing through the blue boxes late at night, so people won’t notice you…

3) You go and put outfits into the blue boxes and then casually get out other outfits that catches your eye….

4) You stoop so low to go to a nursing home randomly picking residents, telling them this big story of being a long lost grandchild and try to convince them to put you on their will for some cash and possible property….

5) If you bring your own snacks to the movie theater…

6) If you put M&Ms on lay away….

7) You want to make a holiday called, National Coupon Day…

8) You try and get a $10.00 item with two $5.00 off coupons…

9) You wanna try and convince the gov’t to allow Monolopy money as a backup currency…

10) You can’t afford to throw in your two cents on anything cause that’s dipping into your life savings…

11) When you jump for joy at all the “Free For The Taking” ads in the newspaper and have to be the first one there to pick the stuff up, no matter what it is….

12) When you think the shoes in a Payless Shoe Store are too expensive.

13) When you find yourself asking friends to buy you happy meals here and there at Mc Donalds so you can get the toys for the kids to have something for Christmas morning.

14) When you stoop so low to the point of claiming to be one of those homeless or starving kids in Africa so you’d get donations a month.

15) When it comes time to sell or get rid of your house, it’s just really a matter of taking the cardboard box to the recycle bin.

16) When you can’t wait to get your bank statement to see how much interest was added on to that knickel you had in your account.

17) When you can’t wait until Sunday for church or (Pay Day)….being that you sit in the last pew so that when you put your 10% in the offering bowl you nonchalantly take out 10% of the total, from the bowl.

18) When you only use one sheet of toilet tissue when wiping your ass and you have it in your head that anymore than that at a time is losing a knickel a sheet.

19) Your the only one getting a refund on calling waiting.

20) When you go out to eat, & you ask to see if you can pay for the bill by working in the kitchen or dishroom.

I hope you liked them….more might be coming soon then lol!


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