
Single mothers = cry me a river bullshit song and dance

Bitches Feelings Rants

All these mothers, single mothers, and etc.. want a man, a relationship with a man or whatever… But yet, don’t give two shits in the wind about the man anyway…

Last I knew, relationships were about the female and male, raising and love the both mutual parties kids as a family whole. The mom, the step dad, the kids. Or, Dad, and the step mom. Loving each other… to raise the kids under the same roof. Nope, apparently not. The mothers are always downsizing, belittling, and short sizing their lover the male friend. Don’t give a shit about him anyway.. he’s the bottom of the totem pole from day one.. INSTANT FAMILY FAIL!! FAIL ALERT!!!

All these females so unhappy in their current shit relationships, still sharing beds with them, loving them.. but bitching about them daily.. whilst trying to find a new man.. are the heifers n sows in the amish man’s field grazing… They don’t know HOW to kick the dirt off their back, but yet want it done to them… They play all these fucking mind games, bitch at the guys, put us down for our wrong doings.. But yet, they do all the same things themselves…


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younger mothers = balls of bullshit…

Feelings It Is Said

I’m in no means able to really say if a person is willing to be a good mother or not, and don’t get me wrong though, there’s been some good mothers at younger ages, raising their kids well for sure…

However! There’s some mothers, that are the bottomless pit of shit, fucking us men over left and right.. And all their immature idiot friends, are cheering them on!! I’m surprised their shit friends even have relationships though, considering what they’re all cheering on, with girls that claim to want to marry a man, have his baby, says the baby is his, and gets engaged to the guy.

But yet cheats on him, doesn’t take him to appointments for the baby/ regarding the baby to start with.. Instead, takes the sister and idiot fat fuck friends to the appointments… and allows the fat fuck face friend to say on Facebook… “hahaha.. the baby gonna get my name!! i say so! i’m the god mother of it!! haha.. I’m so wonderful and amazing!” …

Whilst the baby daddy is stuck at home, waiting on a ride for the appointment… Well, the supposed baby daddy anyway (me)… and the ride never showed up anyhow!! It’s planned, set in stone, she said same shit.. Did I get to go? Nope. Did I get a call or text of the result / outcome? Nope. For days and days, I waited to hear from her… And she bitched cause I was “text bombing the phone”… Wow… well hello!?!!?!?! hello!?!?!?

But I digress… It’s just amazing I’m the bad guy… When together, she loved me, nothing but me, the kid was gonna be ours, we planned to get pregnant, get engagement rings, get married and etc. Then BOOM.. she cheated on me, our relationship goes to shit in hand basket, she’s liar and whore bag bitch…. She called me a cousin, when with a dude, so the dude brings her to see me the cousin… Then tells me, this other dude a cousin too… So I don’t gotta worry about him…

Yet now, she with him… and he’s the baby daddy…. That’s mature and wonderful. Say I didn’t have anything to do with her since before birth, but you were the one keeping me from it, to start with.. Then, cheat on me, claiming another man is the father and not me…? Her, and her shit friends.. are worthless pieces of shit..

They obviously don’t know how to have serious relationships. She was after me, loved me, then fucked me over with a skank fuck. I guess they just two peas in a pod though, they both skanks, dirty, and don’t know what a washcloth is… They’re perfect together.. But it sill doesn’t give them the right to say I ain’t the baby’s daddy…

How mature is it, to allow idiot friends to come between a “family”.. breaking them up… just because the baby daddy don’t have job right now. Yet, the fiancee was going to hook us both up with work, never did. Put good words in to do it.. never did. But, spencer the bad guy though..

I was only one fighting to have a relationship, she was only one fighting to lose it and fuck it up…. Fuck. But it is what it is.. she’s a cheating, liar whore bag slut bag.. and all her shit friends that step in and fuck it up.. are idiots too. they all don’t have concept of relationships to begin with… im surprised their “lovers” remain with them…

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Internet Relationships = Bullshit


Thanks to a buddy of mine, I’ve now considered the fact that internet relationships are really and truly are bullshit. Here’s why…

  1. They’re too pussy to actually meet up with you.
  2. They’ve got too much going on in their life to consider you a factor in their life. They bitch, moan, groan, and whatever else that you don’t bother with them, yet don’t do anything themselves to encourage the relationship is going any where.
  3. It’s all talk, no walk. It’s endless bullshit. Hopes of it going any where, is fail from start.
  4. Everyone has excuses for their actions, so really there’s nothing going to happen in the long run.
  5. Let’s talk of good dreams, fantasies, and let’s hope of some thing good! Yet, they don’t bother anyway, because they’re too busy with their own bullshit. “I’m taking a shit, I’ll deal with you later.” … “I’m doing this or that, fuck you for now, I’ll handle you later”. Well fuck you too! I’m tired of this bullshit, it’s all bullshit talk and failure anyway.
  6. Let’s reply to you when I’m good and ready, I’ll wait for your response when I’m ready to view it. Other then that, who cares?
  7. I’ll speak and want the same things and hopes and dreams that you want, but I won’t do anything myself because I got my own life and who gives a fuck about you!? My current life means more than you! Although, I want you apart of it!
  8. It’s just never going to happen, there’s always an excuse to not make it happen. “I’m dealing with my 5 kids, I’m dealing with court, I’m dealing with this or that… ” It’s merely just bullshit talk, tagging you along … for time being, to make you happy… In long run, it means, It’s not going to happen.

Why bother? Really there’s no point in it… I’m tired of the same repeating shit talk… I’m done. I want someone serious and local, that’s not bullshitting me. For once, I’d love to meet someone that ain’t pussy and does want to meet me and is serious about me, no bullshit excuses. Ha!

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Facebook Chat, and the bullshit…

Bitches Feelings Rants

Here we go… Let’s run the chat all night, talk to folks, ones that might not click off with you, lets ignore em and or block em. It’s a damn shame though too, because the ones you’ve dissed and or blocked, could be the best friends of you.

Little you know, the ones you’ve blocked and shit-canned single handed, could be the ones of your best friends for life, but it don’t matter to you anyway. You lay your claims of bullshit, and want to make your merry land of friends, when half of them back stab you from begin with.

One minus one is one negative 2, I gotta deal with… Fuck it, you’re gone. Good bye. Merry Life of you… *hugs n kisses*

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The Flip Flop…

Bitches Rants

It’s always nice to land that “special someone” that you feel is the “one”, but there’s those times too, that you have to watch out for a sinking (relation)ship too, like the Titanic.

This last one was about the size of the Titanic, although the size didn’t matter. It was the actions of it, that it sank. I’m sorry, but, I don’t get rock hard to fuck on the first date, let alone the second one. My male slut days were over long ago… I told her that, she don’t listen.

I’d rather have something special on the level of love, and knowing my partner on the emotional and mental level first, before tearing off the clothes to fuck. It’s not a relationship if you’re full boar on sex, and nothing else. It’s SO easy for a chick to spread the legs, and claim love is there if she’s taking your dick. But me, nah, sorry.

The words of “I love you” and etc, were merely thrown around like bullshit, you really didn’t mean what you felt, nor what you said. You’re just like any other slut in my past life, wanting sex only, and bail out. You need to grow up, seriously. I didn’t think you were a one night pit stop, but all your actions proved otherwise…

Because that’s all men are anyway these days… I’m far from that, but you’ll never know, Queen Ton, because you shipped me out the door because I wasn’t wanting to be your whore. Whatever, your loss is another gain. I have more dignity than that. And to throw me out that quick, without an adult discussion of it, and to throw away what we did establish to this point… Is a damn shame. It really does show you’re true intentions and feelings.

Tata bitch, you lost, I gained… Wish you the best with your male sluts and never getting anyone special enough to last with you, because you’re too damn selfish to allow it to happen. Good luck tho, since you run the show… You fail.

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Photo album for you from Therese on Windows Live….

Feelings General Rants

Don’t you just hate all these fucking teaser spam mail messages? I do! Sometimes they actually name someone I know personally! At first, I see the title and think… “Oh Boy! More pictures of this chick that I think is cute and sexy! Whoo Hoo!

To this I say; MSN needs to control their fucking spammers better, because it’s bullshit. I’m tired of getting these fucking email notifications about people willing to share photos and etc, when they’re not real. They’re spammer fuckers, trying to lure your users in for a spam fest. And what’s really ironic and pisses me off is that all of the spam makes it to my email account, and that all of my legit friend’s emails and pictures lands in spam…

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Summer Time…

Feelings General Rants

Ah yes, the time for spending time with family you don’t really give a shit about anyway, and you gotta do things you don’t wanna do… Not to mention having to do more work around the house that you rather not do, and last but not least, family reunion picnics and shit.

It’s the season of the workers, it’s the season that separates the lazies from the doers. God I love summer, but fuck do I hate to work all the time. I’m far from being Mr. Fatness, but … I’m still just Mr. Lazy Fuck. If the economy wasn’t so shitty, and I could actually get a job again, I’d be doing stuff for money. But why bother?

Then employers wonder why, they get shitty and lazy workers? Come on! You’re setting the example yourselves!! You lazy fucks! Let’s face it though, most are lazy through any season! But the bottom line is, employers are more lazy then the workers they hire to start with! They’re fucking hypocrites! God Damn Motherfuckers!

Fuck the Govt, fuck Obama, fuck employers, fuck Obama’s Health Care shit, fuck summer, fuck insurance, fuck internet bullshit, fuck freelancing (you’re screwed anyway), fuck anything you know, fuck anything you don’t know but want too, fuck the economy, fuck schooling, fuck parents, fuck grandparents, fuck “friends”, fuck slanderous bitches (making shit up, blaming you for doing something you ain’t done), fuck the seasons and the changes, fuck it all! Just wait till the shit hits the fan, then fuck that too. Boo Hoo. I’m out.

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It only takes one to link to me, then they all follow…

Bitches Rants

I noticed an in-coming referral link earlier the other night, and it’s listed on a chick’s blog from when the past drama whore clique was running amok… Of course I emailed her, asking for it to be removed, no response yet…

But seriously, I don’t want these past drama whores following my blog. I’ve already purposely gone through all the comments, and posts, removing their links or removing past posts about them in general, because the past was past, and it was bullshit drama for their own amusement.

Just picture a bunch of (unhappily) married women, running around stirring up the drama bullshit 247, because either A.) Their lives are so boring, they just have to be part of drama, or stir up new drama bullshit to get through the weeks… B.) They just can’t live without it, because like most normal people, blood is what keeps us alive and ticking, but to them it’s drama. Or C.) Well…who are we kidding, reasons A and B are the only reasons they wanted and nothing else.

I’m sure there will be a tear fest, bitching and bawling, that I helped make it just as much as they have… Oh well, most of you’ve deserved the shit I done. Hell, I even went out on a limb to help them sour cunts, and even went against the buddy at the time, to help them. They weren’t grateful, nor happy for shit. It’s okay though, whatever… But back on the referral linking shit, I’d rather not have it. I’ve already gotten two hits from Canada…. The thought of having Krystole (the WordPress custom theme stealing bitch) on my blog, irks me.

If they start shit again, we’ll just have more war again. I guess that’s all we can say for now… It only takes one, to make their pack come back… Damn shame. Ah well…

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Obama is shit…

Feelings It Is Said Rants

He claimed to help our Country, yet is worse than most past Presidents. He’s a shit talker, trying to talk about helping us, yet is failure. He’s sinking our Country farther into the ground then any other President. He slapped wrapping paper around us, and slapped a “Don’t open till Christmas” sticker on it.

He’s fail. Nothing about him is good. He’s making America into a dictatorship Country, he’s making us into bullshit. He’s paving the way for the “New World Order”… Wake up Americans! He’s shit, and I’d rather have a secretary sucking cock Monica, back in with President Clinton. Anything but Obama. Obama is our false prophet, the lying fuck, pretending to bring us “hopes”, when really it’s all talk and bullshit.

We’re already in debt beyond belief, fuck others. And fuck you too Obama. You’re fail, and anything you come up with is fail. You’re the reason why us Americans have doubts in our government. You’re just fail. Done.

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Backstabbers and shit talkers….

Feelings Rants

They can lick my nuts and fuck off. They too pussy to talk directly to me, they gotta talk their shit smack talk to others… They can’t talk to me directly, they’re pussy. I hate them, I hate you too! Wanna be punks and dissers. Talk to me, not behind my back… Cowards. I’ll level your ass…from the word “get”. Let the games begin bitches. I’ll make it news, you pansy fucks.

A note to friends, watch out who you’re friends with. They’ll be there to back-stab and talk shit on you. They’re not “friends”. All these “friends” you claim to have, are bullshitters. They’re there to “help” once and while, other wise they’re awol and shit talking on you. They’re really not “friends”. All these wanna be “Friends” can go fuck themselves to hell and back, because honestly, I don’t need them nor want them. Fucking Pansy motherfucker narcs, fuck em.

Fuck narcs, and fuck all those that shit talk on you for no reason. They’re pussies, and can’t handle truth. I’m done with this shit…

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