Man or Woman?


Today is the official start date of a new feature for I’m proudly introducing, “Man or Woman?”…Here’s where I’ll randomly find either men or women photos, and post them to debate what gender they really are. Because well, some times it’s just so damn confusing. Let’s begin!

Man or Woman? What am I?

Hi! I’m a nice, a little shy, and loves to have a great time. I enjoy bowling a lot. I have bowled since I was 10. I also enjoy anything to deal with the outdoors. I like to stay home once in awhile. I like all kinds of music but mostly rock and country. I don’t have a favorite group. I enjoy raised trucks and jeeps. I want one someday. I would like to go muddin someday. I love to go to the beach. My favorite beach is Ocean City, MD. In my picture I have short hair, I plan to grow it out to long hair. I will explain later why I have short hair. I love dogs! I have a half black lab and half german shepard. He is big and all black. He is lovable. I spoil him alot. My favorite color is green. Well I hope to hear from you soon! LATER!

I’m not sure about you, but I think I’d be running the opposite way had I seen this coming towards me. S-he looks like a College Football player with some chick glasses and shit. Either that, or someone that you can find under any horse on the farm while butt-naked, and getting railed by it… I think the parents of this “chick” probably committed suicide later in life after they have known and seen what they’ve created. I would stay clear of this one, you might get tackled…

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The perfect “Girlfriend”, every man knows it’s true too!


How can a man deny that a love doll like her above, couldn’t be the perfect “Girlfriend” for them? I mean seriously, here below is WHY they can’t deny she’d be the perfect girlfriend…

1.) She ain’t going to be a nagging bitch, she’ll keep her fucking mouth shut and take it like the little whore she is… And! You don’t have to worry about her complaining on your man size to any other chick. She’ll take you as you are, and be happy with you! She ain’t going to lie and go behind your back, giggling and making fun of your pleasure palace size or thickness to other nasty slutty whore-bag bitches..

2.) They only have to “buy her love” once, once a receipt is given at the cash register, then it’s done. No more money needs to be invested into the “Rubbermaid” bitch. She’s already built to perfection, and won’t need hair care products, nail polish, she ain’t going to need shoes, nor fed. She’s perfect how she is out of the box, and all at one low price! Drop pants, shove in your cock, cum, and done.

3.) Look at them tits! They’re fucking huge! Mmm, I’m getting horny over her sitting there, teasing me with them big titties. I just want to titty fuck them and cum all over her face! Hell, she won’t care, and she sure as hell ain’t going to complain… “Oh you bastard, you shot a load in my eye!” … Fucking bitch can’t speak, no complaints to worry about at all!

There you have it dumb fucks! The perfect girlfriend!

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Joe and I’s Yahoo Chat about MoShitta, I mean…Mozilla Thunderturd…

General Rants

Spencer: well actually.. that default theme is still fucked tho bro

Spencer: changing the theme is only temp solution

Joe: true

Spencer: “technically”

Joe: yea

Spencer: actually.. if that guy or them guys would have seen screen shots.. they would have SEEN it was default thunderturd theme.. LMAO

Joe: they did, they just didnt recongize it for some reason

Spencer: prolly got each others heads so far up the next guys ass.. to “see it”..

Joe: lol

Spencer: “i love mozilla more than you do!! i have 2 more posts/ comments in their support forums than you do!”… oh big fucking deal… big whooped de fucking do da!!

Spencer: LMAO


Spencer: “well, well.. i have the mozilla bed set and spent more at the mozilla gift store than you!! so there!!” … WHO FUCKIN CARES!!

Joe: hahahaha

Spencer: i do love that theme tho.. *starts fondling self*

Joe: lol

Joe: just like you love the new theme

Spencer: yep.. hey hey now.. one thing at a time.. i like to build up my sexual enjoyments and release the biggest load at once… not have multiple little loads…

Joe: i better not see any white stains on my theme MR.!!

Joe: lol

Spencer: LMAO

Spencer: *installs windshield wipers on the screen *


Spencer: fuckin juno

Joe: !! damn em!

Spencer: wait

Spencer: that issue is still there!!

Spencer: :(

Spencer: got little notification of new email.. and checked mail.. and boom that issue there still

Joe: :(

Actually, some of the conversation wasn’t included. But bottom line is, that guy that Joe knows said about changing my Thunderturd theme once, and then if THAT didn’t work, try creating a new profile and logging in under that new profile once.

EITHER WAYS, NO WAYS WORKED!! Because the Mozilla lovers fail to accept the fact that Mozilla is turning into a Microshit (Microsoft) Jr. So, with that in mind. Mozilla is now going to be called… MOSHITTA!! Or, MoShitty!!

I don’t know, I’m actually starting to like “Moshitty” better, because I could use it in a sentence like this… “Well, I always thought Microshit was the shittest software provider out there, but now they have some competition with Moshitty!”…

I dunno though, I’m still thinking Mozilla is in the lead now, it’s just seeming MoShitty than Microshit… LOL!

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Mozilla Thunderturd, I mean…Thunderbird is a piece of shit…

General Rants

Wow, I never thought I would be saying this, but, Microshit (Microsoft) has a new competitor now…

I always thought Microsoft was the leading software provider for SHIT, but apparently Mozilla wants to be “the one and only”, for providing the shit… Well, you can see for yourself in the images below…

Click these images to view the bigger versions…

I sure hope Mozilla fixes this shit! It would really suck dick if we had TWO mail clients going to hell in a hand-basket…

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Just one of them days…

General It Is Said

Ya have to LOVE Sunday… It’s the only day of the week that you can actually catch up on sleep, or, sometimes in my case… PORN.

Nah, I’m kidding, that’s Saturday night into Sunday EARLY morning. Ya know, when the Church goers are getting ready for Church, I’m ending my 8 to 12 hour porn session. THEN, it’s time to catch up on sleep on Sunday.

In short, Sunday is the day for the lazy bastards… Hell, I don’t even know why I’m posting this post today, it’s SUNDAY!! I shouldn’t even be doing any “work” at all… Uh oh, I’m starting to feel tired… writing (working on) this post is making me tired. I think it’s time for more sleeps…

Nah, I best stay up and keep my energy building up for tonight’s massive orgasmic phone sex with the girlfriend… Speaking of which, baby I’m horny!!! Damn… I gotta go!! I’m cumming baby, I’m cumming!! I mean, I’m coming!!…

P.S. Okay, maybe T.M.I., but who cares!! Go fuck yourselves! I mean your lover! It’s still Sunday!!

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Mr. Sarcastic Charismatic Asshole-astic Wonderfully Fantastic…

General It Is Said

Yeah, that’s me. I guess you could also say I’m immature and so forth as well. But, oh well, fuck it to hell! Why? Because, it’s just ME! And I’m wonderfully awesome no matter what anyone else thinks…because yeah, that’s just how it is…

For example; when I used to be a shitty custodian at the local YMCA, I cleaned it so spotless and wonderful that they needed to wear sunglasses about a 1 mile radius from it… No matter the shittiest job on this planet of shit, I could make things so wonderfully awesome and spotless… Even if I was shoveling Miss. Jackie’s cow shit…

The farmers would look in amazement… “Wow, I need that guy to be MY farm-hand!” Anyway, I don’t know what the point of this post WAS, really. I guess just to brag a little bit, but I guess since I did all that, I should head to bed.

That’s if I could even sleep, because I shine so bright from my glow of awesomeness. Damn, where’s the night shades at… I’d hate to keep myself awake because of myself. Anyway, I’m off to bed… \m/ rock on!!

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Prepare for changes…


I’ve been thinking long and hard lately, and I’ve come to conclusion to start over again fresh, with new content and domain name.

However, the downsides are the following:

  1. No other writers but me.
  2. No more drama bullshit.
  3. Older posts of mine are going to be gone, totally, and are never coming back.
  4. The use of swear words will be moderate.

With these changes coming soon, I’d like to ask the other authors to get ahold of me regarding their posts. I don’t want to remove their posts without their permission.

As for the Vindictive Bastard domains, they will be used as redirects to the new domain. I intend to have only ONE domain name from now on. All my other ones, including these vindictivebastard ones will be redirects to the new one.

I’m tired of maintaining so many domains and blogs. I just don’t have the time for it anymore. I also just want to have one site that best fits and suits ME, as I am. My wonderful personality will never die of course…nor will my general attitude. I mean, after all, if that happened, I wouldn’t be ME. Wheeee…

Anyway, this decision has been on my mind for the longest time now. And with everyone else being too busy to post, and or hanging up their gloves. I figured, what better time to change my “ways” as well. I’ll keep everyone posted as things progress.

Again, other authors let me know what you want done with your posts. Keep em or heap em? If you want to keep them, login and copy what you want and save em to text files or something. If you want them trashed, just let me know. Aight, I’m off to handle business…

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Fade to Black…


Life it seems will fade away
Drifting further everyday
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters no one else
I have lost the will to live Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free

Things not what they used to be Missing one inside of me
Deadly loss this cant be real
Cannot stand this hell i feel
Emptiness is filling me To the point of agony
Growing darkness taking dawn
I was me but now, hes gone

No one but me can save myself, but its too late
Now i cant think, think why i should even try

Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Death greets me warm, now i will just say goodbye

Since I’m an old school Metallica fan, I think I’d like to have the song “Fade To Black” played at my funeral / burial… Either “Fade to Black” or “Nothing Else Matters”… Oh God those songs kick ass!

P.S. And to whoever gives a shit, I’d like to be cremated instead of having an open casket. I’d rather be burnt twice (real body after dying and then second time in hell), than be seen by a bunch of Christian hypocrites.

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