
Joe and I’s Yahoo Chat about MoShitta, I mean…Mozilla Thunderturd…

General Rants

Spencer: well actually.. that default theme is still fucked tho bro

Spencer: changing the theme is only temp solution

Joe: true

Spencer: “technically”

Joe: yea

Spencer: actually.. if that guy or them guys would have seen screen shots.. they would have SEEN it was default thunderturd theme.. LMAO

Joe: they did, they just didnt recongize it for some reason

Spencer: prolly got each others heads so far up the next guys ass.. to “see it”..

Joe: lol

Spencer: “i love mozilla more than you do!! i have 2 more posts/ comments in their support forums than you do!”… oh big fucking deal… big whooped de fucking do da!!

Spencer: LMAO


Spencer: “well, well.. i have the mozilla bed set and spent more at the mozilla gift store than you!! so there!!” … WHO FUCKIN CARES!!

Joe: hahahaha

Spencer: i do love that theme tho.. *starts fondling self*

Joe: lol

Joe: just like you love the new theme

Spencer: yep.. hey hey now.. one thing at a time.. i like to build up my sexual enjoyments and release the biggest load at once… not have multiple little loads…

Joe: i better not see any white stains on my theme MR.!!

Joe: lol

Spencer: LMAO

Spencer: *installs windshield wipers on the screen *


Spencer: fuckin juno

Joe: !! damn em!

Spencer: wait

Spencer: that issue is still there!!

Spencer: :(

Spencer: got little notification of new email.. and checked mail.. and boom that issue there still

Joe: :(

Actually, some of the conversation wasn’t included. But bottom line is, that guy that Joe knows said about changing my Thunderturd theme once, and then if THAT didn’t work, try creating a new profile and logging in under that new profile once.

EITHER WAYS, NO WAYS WORKED!! Because the Mozilla lovers fail to accept the fact that Mozilla is turning into a Microshit (Microsoft) Jr. So, with that in mind. Mozilla is now going to be called… MOSHITTA!! Or, MoShitty!!

I don’t know, I’m actually starting to like “Moshitty” better, because I could use it in a sentence like this… “Well, I always thought Microshit was the shittest software provider out there, but now they have some competition with Moshitty!”…

I dunno though, I’m still thinking Mozilla is in the lead now, it’s just seeming MoShitty than Microshit… LOL!

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Mozilla Thunderturd, I mean…Thunderbird is a piece of shit…

General Rants

Wow, I never thought I would be saying this, but, Microshit (Microsoft) has a new competitor now…

I always thought Microsoft was the leading software provider for SHIT, but apparently Mozilla wants to be “the one and only”, for providing the shit… Well, you can see for yourself in the images below…

Click these images to view the bigger versions…

I sure hope Mozilla fixes this shit! It would really suck dick if we had TWO mail clients going to hell in a hand-basket…

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Just one of them days…

General It Is Said

Ya have to LOVE Sunday… It’s the only day of the week that you can actually catch up on sleep, or, sometimes in my case… PORN.

Nah, I’m kidding, that’s Saturday night into Sunday EARLY morning. Ya know, when the Church goers are getting ready for Church, I’m ending my 8 to 12 hour porn session. THEN, it’s time to catch up on sleep on Sunday.

In short, Sunday is the day for the lazy bastards… Hell, I don’t even know why I’m posting this post today, it’s SUNDAY!! I shouldn’t even be doing any “work” at all… Uh oh, I’m starting to feel tired… writing (working on) this post is making me tired. I think it’s time for more sleeps…

Nah, I best stay up and keep my energy building up for tonight’s massive orgasmic phone sex with the girlfriend… Speaking of which, baby I’m horny!!! Damn… I gotta go!! I’m cumming baby, I’m cumming!! I mean, I’m coming!!…

P.S. Okay, maybe T.M.I., but who cares!! Go fuck yourselves! I mean your lover! It’s still Sunday!!

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Mr. Sarcastic Charismatic Asshole-astic Wonderfully Fantastic…

General It Is Said

Yeah, that’s me. I guess you could also say I’m immature and so forth as well. But, oh well, fuck it to hell! Why? Because, it’s just ME! And I’m wonderfully awesome no matter what anyone else thinks…because yeah, that’s just how it is…

For example; when I used to be a shitty custodian at the local YMCA, I cleaned it so spotless and wonderful that they needed to wear sunglasses about a 1 mile radius from it… No matter the shittiest job on this planet of shit, I could make things so wonderfully awesome and spotless… Even if I was shoveling Miss. Jackie’s cow shit…

The farmers would look in amazement… “Wow, I need that guy to be MY farm-hand!” Anyway, I don’t know what the point of this post WAS, really. I guess just to brag a little bit, but I guess since I did all that, I should head to bed.

That’s if I could even sleep, because I shine so bright from my glow of awesomeness. Damn, where’s the night shades at… I’d hate to keep myself awake because of myself. Anyway, I’m off to bed… \m/ rock on!!

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Prepare for changes…


I’ve been thinking long and hard lately, and I’ve come to conclusion to start over again fresh, with new content and domain name.

However, the downsides are the following:

  1. No other writers but me.
  2. No more drama bullshit.
  3. Older posts of mine are going to be gone, totally, and are never coming back.
  4. The use of swear words will be moderate.

With these changes coming soon, I’d like to ask the other authors to get ahold of me regarding their posts. I don’t want to remove their posts without their permission.

As for the Vindictive Bastard domains, they will be used as redirects to the new domain. I intend to have only ONE domain name from now on. All my other ones, including these vindictivebastard ones will be redirects to the new one.

I’m tired of maintaining so many domains and blogs. I just don’t have the time for it anymore. I also just want to have one site that best fits and suits ME, as I am. My wonderful personality will never die of course…nor will my general attitude. I mean, after all, if that happened, I wouldn’t be ME. Wheeee…

Anyway, this decision has been on my mind for the longest time now. And with everyone else being too busy to post, and or hanging up their gloves. I figured, what better time to change my “ways” as well. I’ll keep everyone posted as things progress.

Again, other authors let me know what you want done with your posts. Keep em or heap em? If you want to keep them, login and copy what you want and save em to text files or something. If you want them trashed, just let me know. Aight, I’m off to handle business…

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R.I.P. Thomas Taylor.. (1977 – 2008)

Feelings General

It was brought to my attention yesterday, that an old friend died on the 7th. Had I seen the write up about him sooner, I would have posted this sooner.

Thomas (Tom, Tommy) passed away at the age of 30, from an infection which stemmed from a surgical operation he had. It’s a shame too, because not only was he still young, but because he’s also leaving behind a fiancee and two sons.

I met Tom years ago through a friend. We had some disagreements from time to time, but we also shared quite a few good times as well, and partied ALOT back then too, LOL! But, as time went on, everyone kinda branched off to do their own thing(s), and then he moved off into another area of Pennsylvania, so it was harder to see him.

Anyway, I was planning on visiting him soon too. I heard he was back around the local area again, but was just too busy at the time to do the visiting. Damn it sucks. Fuck! I should have tried harder to make time to see him sooner. Just didn’t expect him to pass like that… :(

I guess it goes to show you, anyone could pass at anytime, from any cause… sigh. I’ll miss ya man. Rest peacefully. You’re in our hearts, mind, and prayers…

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Military man..


Most don’t know, I’ve been in the military. Basically right out of High School. Yep, in 1996, been there done it and would to do it again!

Nothing beats driving an M1A1 tank, shooting the 50 caliber machine gun, throwing live grenades, shooting the M-16 machine gun, 9mm hand guns, and eating M.R.E.S in the field.

Besides having to stay in shape, I think the worst part was having to take apart all the guns and putting them back together again in so many seconds. The actual physical training part, is what I loved most.

I’d actually LOVE to get back into Boot Camp again, because it taught respect, it taught you how to stay alert, stay in shape, how to eat and live off the land despite the worst case scenario you could face. I think, feel, and believe… that everyone in the world, NEEDS to be “ready”.

When the “shit hits the fan”, if war breaks out, if a nuke was dropped, if an A-bomb was dropped, if an asteroid hit, if a tidal wave struck, if anything of above happened or worse… would you be ready? Would YOU KNOW how to survive?

Personally, I think the average American would be a lost soul. Why, because everyone is so fucking spoiled rotten! That if something really happened, they wouldn’t know what to do! “Oh daddy, the microwave burnt out. Can we fix it?!” Um, NO!

We’ve just had an electromagnetic bomb dropped above the U.S.A. and it burnt out all, and everything electronic. Cars, microwaves, radios, T.Vs, cellphones, and everything else that’s electronic goes BYE BYE. Could you live?

Answer; Most likely not. Why? Because everyone is so pampered and spoiled by technology, and having everything handed to them on silver platters. It’s not making fun of anyone, it’s reality. If an A-bomb dropped in the U.S. what would you do?

Would you know how to survive it and live through it? Most responses would be no. I’ve been through Boot Camp (US Army) training. I’ve been taught alot of things, and quite frankly… I feel that it’s not fair or right, that the average citizens are “kept in the dark” about “how to survive”.

I firmly believe that EVERYONE needs to be provided with the tools in order to stay alive. Rather than be pampered all the time, try going without all your normal daily routines once. GO WITHOUT; video games, the microwave, the stove, the car, the backyard pool, the clocks, the computer, the TV, the phone, the normal way of life as you know it.

Train, learn how to survive without SHIT. Because before you know it, you really won’t have shit. And when that time comes, at least, hopefully, you’ll get through it. Because that time will come, and it won’t be long from now. Good luck with life, because I’ll always be here standing my ground.

Learn from those that know, because if you don’t, you will go. Tata!

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Apparently everyone missed the memo that was hung up on my middle finger…

Feelings General

Like I said in a post way back in Sept 2004. “Friends” are shit…

Now, before people start getting their panties into a bunch, this is referring to LOCAL OFFLINE “friends”, not online “friends”. Anyway, you know who are true friends, when they at least act like it, or ARE really being friends to you.

Evidently, a handful of local “friends” keep forgetting, that I really don’t give a flopping fuck if I don’t see them, hangout with them all the time, if they’re starting drama, or just talking smack about me behind my back. Um, I’m sorry to burst the bullshit bubble, but, I don’t give a flopping willy dilly fuck about anything, or anyone.

The expression “Bros before hos” apparently only works if it’s being used towards me. They used to always say that to me when I spent alot more time with my girlfriend, rather than them. All this dissing that you’re doing, all the bullshit drama you’re dishing out, all the general retarded games and bullshit you pull, won’t ever phase me a bit.

It just boils down to one thing, I was awesome before you came into my life, and will always be awesome if you’re in it or not. And no matter what ya all say or do, won’t phase me a bit. Why? Because, I really don’t give a flopping shit. Keep running your lives into the gutter and cesspool of shit fuckers.

While I’m at the top level of life, I’ll be sure to wave down to you all and take that daily jingle on you. Good luck with your shitty lives. Fuck you, fuck what you do, fuck everything about you, fuck ya all to hell. I’m done with this bullshit, tata!

P.S. Please note: Not ALL friends are shit, I put the word “friends” in quotes. Because it’s referring to those that CLAIM to be “friends”, but really aren’t anything but a steaming pile of fucking shit. There’s a difference.

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Just curious, but…what the hell is wrong with people giving their kids spankings, either in public or private!?!?!?

I don’t know WHY people are bitching and making a big stink about parents giving their own kids spankings. I mean shit, back when I was growing up…us kids always got spanked when we did something wrong. No one bitched, complained, or made a big stink about it, period.

My mom and step-dick-dad used a belt, a wooden paddle, or their bare hands, which ever was closest to them at the time. I firmly believe, that if a kid is getting out of hand, being bad, or just downright defiant, they deserve a spanking…

It’s what helps keep kids inline and headed down the right path in life. Without some form of punishment to help keep kids on the straight and narrow…they’ll end up in the news later down road when they grown up. Either for robbing stores, stealing in general, being a general troublemaker, criminal, or law breaker.

People of today are pussies when it comes to giving punishment to kids. “Don’t hit your kid, that’s child abuse!!” Ummm, no. It’s called, giving THEIR OWN kids what they deserve for being bad. To help keep THEIR OWN kids inline and headed down the right path in life…

Without some form of “Law and Order” for their kids, there’ll only be anarchy. With the kids running wild, doing what THEY want to do, and show no respect for anyone…

To the whiners and bawl babies bitching about kids getting spanked… I think YOU need a spanking and time out, NOW GO SIT IN THE CORNER, YOU BAWL BABY BITCH MOTHERFUCKERS!

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