
The Flip Flop…

Bitches Rants

It’s always nice to land that “special someone” that you feel is the “one”, but there’s those times too, that you have to watch out for a sinking (relation)ship too, like the Titanic.

This last one was about the size of the Titanic, although the size didn’t matter. It was the actions of it, that it sank. I’m sorry, but, I don’t get rock hard to fuck on the first date, let alone the second one. My male slut days were over long ago… I told her that, she don’t listen.

I’d rather have something special on the level of love, and knowing my partner on the emotional and mental level first, before tearing off the clothes to fuck. It’s not a relationship if you’re full boar on sex, and nothing else. It’s SO easy for a chick to spread the legs, and claim love is there if she’s taking your dick. But me, nah, sorry.

The words of “I love you” and etc, were merely thrown around like bullshit, you really didn’t mean what you felt, nor what you said. You’re just like any other slut in my past life, wanting sex only, and bail out. You need to grow up, seriously. I didn’t think you were a one night pit stop, but all your actions proved otherwise…

Because that’s all men are anyway these days… I’m far from that, but you’ll never know, Queen Ton, because you shipped me out the door because I wasn’t wanting to be your whore. Whatever, your loss is another gain. I have more dignity than that. And to throw me out that quick, without an adult discussion of it, and to throw away what we did establish to this point… Is a damn shame. It really does show you’re true intentions and feelings.

Tata bitch, you lost, I gained… Wish you the best with your male sluts and never getting anyone special enough to last with you, because you’re too damn selfish to allow it to happen. Good luck tho, since you run the show… You fail.

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Jordanraine the ass pain…

Feelings Rants

I actually wanted to forgive this bitch and not say a word about her. But I can’t help it. It just has to be said…

She’s a loser, low life bitch, that’s apparently not happy with her with boyfriend, she’s out looking for dick. It’s one thing to claim you’re fine and dandy with who you got, then to flip it and not be it. You called me names, you claim me to be bi-polar, and I’m not. You are!

I’m surprised you have so many twitter followers though, you treat them like shit, bitch, moan, groan, and complain… picking fits and bitching. I’m surprised you have many friends at all. Most claim you to look like a wet dog; attractive. Some poor sopping soak dog bitch that’s been weather torn. You’re a sour cunt bitch, that doesn’t deserve friends. You just need to lay in a coffin some where and rot.

You claimed and slandered me to hack your shitty ass lastfm account a few weeks ago, and I’m sorry cunt. I don’t hack, nor do I know how to. It’s also sweet that you call me idiot in the same sentence that you’re claiming me smart enough to hack your shit… I told you I wouldn’t do anything that nasty to you if I tried. You still left up your slanderous shit against me, you went out on the limb to make me look bad on a message board staff forum. Where I didn’t have access to at all, I couldn’t defend myself bitch.

It’s always nice these coward, liar hypocrite fucks can speak so much, where’s a damn mirror when we need it? I wasn’t even online at the time you were hacked, nor was I around the forums when ever you claimed me to be doing wrong. You’re a paranoid bitch, and I’m surprised your BF hasn’t left you already. No wonder you’re looking though, you must have a feeling he’ll leave you for your bitch-ness.

It’s pretty pathetic as well, cause she’s “friends” with old drama whore “Jenn”. They all run in packs. All them unhappily married or taken drama fucks that only has one thing better to do, and that’s to stir up drama. They’re all sour cunts. Plain and simple. Spread your shit words like a virus cunt, that’s what you all do best. In the end, you’ll lose the rest.

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The low toilet seat…

General Rants

First off, let me just say that this isn’t geared towards the female gender; unless of course you have a huge sagging nut sack or a tranny, so please don’t take offense…

I’m not sure which dumb fuck created these things, but they need to stop creating them and selling them! And certain dumb-asses need to stop installing them in their houses! It’s one thing if you’re a male that don’t have a huge sagging nut sack, but for people like me we need the higher seats…

Thank God I thought quick, and rescued Peter Johnson and his two little nutty children before the ship sank. Now I have to clean them all off, and ship them off on the proper boat… Although; I just have to make sure they still won’t end up down a whirlpool some how. I’m done with this shit; flush!

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Michelle Frye, fuck her in the pussy and you might die…

Bitches It Is Said

If you dove in without scuba gear that is…Jesus Mc Fucking Christmas Christ, she a big bitch! You’d need to wear a “Lawn and Leaf” garbage bag as condom to dive in it, and even then, she wouldn’t notice anything though…

Although, that depends on the total weight and etc of course. We’d hate to sink a ship with a mother-load like that. But, she’d be perfect for a display case at the local fish shop…

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Just curious, but…what the hell is wrong with people giving their kids spankings, either in public or private!?!?!?

I don’t know WHY people are bitching and making a big stink about parents giving their own kids spankings. I mean shit, back when I was growing up…us kids always got spanked when we did something wrong. No one bitched, complained, or made a big stink about it, period.

My mom and step-dick-dad used a belt, a wooden paddle, or their bare hands, which ever was closest to them at the time. I firmly believe, that if a kid is getting out of hand, being bad, or just downright defiant, they deserve a spanking…

It’s what helps keep kids inline and headed down the right path in life. Without some form of punishment to help keep kids on the straight and narrow…they’ll end up in the news later down road when they grown up. Either for robbing stores, stealing in general, being a general troublemaker, criminal, or law breaker.

People of today are pussies when it comes to giving punishment to kids. “Don’t hit your kid, that’s child abuse!!” Ummm, no. It’s called, giving THEIR OWN kids what they deserve for being bad. To help keep THEIR OWN kids inline and headed down the right path in life…

Without some form of “Law and Order” for their kids, there’ll only be anarchy. With the kids running wild, doing what THEY want to do, and show no respect for anyone…

To the whiners and bawl babies bitching about kids getting spanked… I think YOU need a spanking and time out, NOW GO SIT IN THE CORNER, YOU BAWL BABY BITCH MOTHERFUCKERS!

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Young Bucks getting with the Old Fucks…a new fad?

General It Is Said

I’m not sure, but I must say, lately… it seems like ALOT more people around my age (25 to 35) are going for the old fucks. I’m not sure WHY or for WHAT reason, but it just seems to be happening ALOT lately.

I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, but for some of the young bucks choices, Oh my fucking god… barf city. There’s a few other people I know, that I THINK / BELIEVE are tampering with the old dick or clit, but I ain’t going to say shit about it now.

Hell, I even have YOUNGER chicks wanting me, and I’m 32. So yeah, there again the young bucks are chasing the old fucks… I ain’t THAT old god damn it, shut the fuck up. I may be 32 but I look 23… wheeeeee! Now, where’s my next soon to be lover… oh yeah, that’s right… I gotta wait a few more years… Anyway, I’m out for the night… tata…

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Google Talk Chat #4


Spencer: instead of starting with BOOZE… drink hard shit first.. then go to beer..like, some vodka to get a buzz.. then stop and switch to beer

blacksnday: can’t buy the hard shit right now… hell I KNOW BF mad that I bought a 30pack 2day even though he didn’t say anything. LOLOLOL

Spencer: haha

blacksnday: I was all like, WELL YOU LEFT ME MONEY.. IT’S YOUR FAULT! LOL

Spencer: Just give him a 30 pack to make up for it .. say.. time for a thirty packings! bend over baby!

blacksnday: I did 2day ;d LOL hahhaahaha

Spencer: lmao… 30 tho? hahahahaha

blacksnday: hahaha

Spencer: tat a dolla bill on the dick and rail till its paid off

blacksnday: LMAO

The whole convo was started, because he couldn’t get a buzz after so many days of drinking previously. Sometimes after few days of drinking, then taking break from it, it’s hard to get a buzz or drunk again next day or so. It happened to me already before…back in the day.

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Ladies Be Warned!


This is some ladies Bash on Bashmyex.com, that I had commented on.

Hick Loser!

“James has previously been convicted of several felony counts of forgery and swindle (you can see for yourself at www.mncriminals.com). He is also currently being charged with more forgery charges. He lied to me and used me and many other people as well. I think it is only fair to warn everyone I possibly can to make certain you check into him before you believe any words that come out of his mouth.”

I’m surprised he was even ABLE to use anyone the way he looks… He looks like a wanna-be cool normal person, but really he an ugly ass hick motherfucker, that I’m sure can’t get a normal decent chick creaming the jeans…

I can only picture him out with the horses sucking them off, cause his fat hick sister ain’t putting out for him… His bucktooth Aunt or Mother might, but sister doesn’t.. WOW, I can’t see how any smart person could have gotten played / used / swindled out of money… just look at his moon crater face there… Jesus Fuck!

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Myspace.com = Myshit.com…


Yeah, good old fucking Myspace.com sent me the LAST fucking notification of a user wanting for me to add them…

I just couldn’t take anymore fucking emails, not to mention the bitch ass slutty whores that roam on there sending invite notifications to every Tom, Dick, and Harry… Take Karen the Cunt for instance… WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU SLUT!?!?!?!?

I DON’T KNOW YOU FROM EVE, BITCH. God damn bitches and whores sending me invites and shit… then when I check out their shitty ass profiles, there’s never any normal decent pictures on there… Usually just nothing but sex related spammer bastard sites and shit.


Here below are some Myspace.com names they SHOULD HAVE…

  1. myspace-the-global-home-of-the-whorebags.com
  2. myspace-sucks-horse-dick.com
  3. myspace-is-nothing-but-a-fucking-cesspool-of-shit-where-
  4. myspace-is-a-sorry-ass-place.com
  5. myspace-needs-drop-kicked-and-bitch-
  6. myspace-needs-their-corporate-headquarters-burnt-
  7. myspace-fucking-sucks-ass-and-needs-to-be-deleted.com
  8. myspace-forces-users-to-raise-their-screen-resolution-in-order-
  9. myspace-is-full-of-perverted-losers-just-out-to-bug-other-people-
  10. myspace-just-needs-to-be-flushed-down-toilet-because-they-

And that’s about it for now. I could come up with more names for them, but really I have better things to do with my time… Like whack off to free porno! I’m out for the night… tata!

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Various vagina lips…


Okay, this was brought up in another post of mine. Why do female pussy lips vary in shapes, and looks?

I mean, you have the famous “hamburger bun” lips, and “camel toes”. Which are HOT!! Then you have those pussy lips that just look like a wrinkled old grandmas pussy, sagging there like wrinkled slop of flesh… wtf!?!?!?

Here, I’ve gone ahead and rounded up some image examples from the internet, this way you can see what I’m talking about…

(These are nudes of chicks, please be advised! NSFW!!)

a) Here’s an example of the “hamburger bun” or “camel toe” lips I was talking about. Don’t it look Mmm, tasty!! Here’s one that’s pretty much the same too, except with her bent over like that, it looks like an EMBEDDED YO-YO…

b) Here’s another shot of the same chick’s pussy that you seen above there. But, with her spread eagle like that, it looks like a “Double Heart”.. don’t it?

c) Here’s another one, I’m going to call it the “Slit Clit”… Why? Because it has a nice slit up the middle of the clit. Nothing protruding and shit…That’s a nice one too…

d) Here’s another one, I’m going to call it the “clam”. Why? Because don’t it kinda look like a clam? It’s a nice one too… Licky licky, slip in the dicky…

e) (Forewarning, most guys might not want to look at this one) Here’s another one too. This one is gross looking. Why? Because it looks like the lady not only dildo herself with a normal dildo, but a Chef Knife too, looks all bloody and shit.. Ewww!! SICK!

f) Here’s another one, this is another gross one. This is one of those “What the hell is it? Is it safe to put my dick in this?” pussies…

g) (Forewarning; not really because it’s gross, but because there’s a guys cock in it as well.) Here’s another one, this is going to get the name “Gaping Maw”… Well, you’ll understand why I gave it that name then, once you seen it .. LOL!

h) Here’s another one, this is the “Slop of Fuck” I was talking about.. What the hell is this shit?!?!? Is it safe to put a dick in this or what?!?!?! Eeek!

Anyway, yeah.. I think that about sums it up for various pussy lips. If I happened to miss some, let me know!

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