
my thoughts to save money, and keep our troops safe and spend less on prisons… here we go…

General It Is Said Rants

Send the murderers overseas to fight wars, they’ll get out and have some “Freedom”, and at same time do what they do best. Murder people. Done. If they get killed, no big deal, no housing expenses necessary at all, and no death-row political drama necessary. It’s done deal.

The more murderers from prison that goes over to fight our wars, the less we need to spend on our troops to house, feed, and lose casualties of… If we send over guys locked up for life terms in prison…for what they do best anyway.. it will save on our tax dollars. No need to house and feed prisoners anymore. On top of that, we’ll save money on our own good troops. Save them for when deemed necessary to use them. Prisoners sitting in prison for 25 to life… They’re just there wasting life away, time, money, housing and etc…

Why be stupid and do that? When they could easily be shipped overseas with knives, guns, and whatever else… let them do what they do best… and at same time.. enjoy their freedoms… Fuck.. If I had control over the government, that’s what I would do… Either that, or turn all the murderers jail cells into gas chambers.. gas em all.. and let the non-violent offenders go free…

Either way, it will save money some where along the lines… And if they pass the Bill to legalize marijuana, then all those that are in for smoking weed, will be set free anyway.. Or should be anyway… Think about it…

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All talk, no walk…

Bitches It Is Said Rants

Basically the title says it. People are pansy fucks, they’re all talk, no walk… They say they’ll do something, yet don’t do it. Really must be nice to be hypocrite, and talking of wonders, only really to be so full of shit in the end anyway. I’m sorry, but I don’t have time for you then too. Fuck you, fuck this, fuck that, and fuck everything you’re about. I’m done, and gone. You’re gone. Accept it, and love it, you wouldn’t give a fuck anyway! Haha! Keep stepping fuckers… Talk walkers, walking in reverse. Walk back into that mac truck going 60mph fuckers… You’re done, you’re gone. Pussies.

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Apparently everyone missed the memo that was hung up on my middle finger…

Feelings General

Like I said in a post way back in Sept 2004. “Friends” are shit…

Now, before people start getting their panties into a bunch, this is referring to LOCAL OFFLINE “friends”, not online “friends”. Anyway, you know who are true friends, when they at least act like it, or ARE really being friends to you.

Evidently, a handful of local “friends” keep forgetting, that I really don’t give a flopping fuck if I don’t see them, hangout with them all the time, if they’re starting drama, or just talking smack about me behind my back. Um, I’m sorry to burst the bullshit bubble, but, I don’t give a flopping willy dilly fuck about anything, or anyone.

The expression “Bros before hos” apparently only works if it’s being used towards me. They used to always say that to me when I spent alot more time with my girlfriend, rather than them. All this dissing that you’re doing, all the bullshit drama you’re dishing out, all the general retarded games and bullshit you pull, won’t ever phase me a bit.

It just boils down to one thing, I was awesome before you came into my life, and will always be awesome if you’re in it or not. And no matter what ya all say or do, won’t phase me a bit. Why? Because, I really don’t give a flopping shit. Keep running your lives into the gutter and cesspool of shit fuckers.

While I’m at the top level of life, I’ll be sure to wave down to you all and take that daily jingle on you. Good luck with your shitty lives. Fuck you, fuck what you do, fuck everything about you, fuck ya all to hell. I’m done with this bullshit, tata!

P.S. Please note: Not ALL friends are shit, I put the word “friends” in quotes. Because it’s referring to those that CLAIM to be “friends”, but really aren’t anything but a steaming pile of fucking shit. There’s a difference.

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Just curious, but…what the hell is wrong with people giving their kids spankings, either in public or private!?!?!?

I don’t know WHY people are bitching and making a big stink about parents giving their own kids spankings. I mean shit, back when I was growing up…us kids always got spanked when we did something wrong. No one bitched, complained, or made a big stink about it, period.

My mom and step-dick-dad used a belt, a wooden paddle, or their bare hands, which ever was closest to them at the time. I firmly believe, that if a kid is getting out of hand, being bad, or just downright defiant, they deserve a spanking…

It’s what helps keep kids inline and headed down the right path in life. Without some form of punishment to help keep kids on the straight and narrow…they’ll end up in the news later down road when they grown up. Either for robbing stores, stealing in general, being a general troublemaker, criminal, or law breaker.

People of today are pussies when it comes to giving punishment to kids. “Don’t hit your kid, that’s child abuse!!” Ummm, no. It’s called, giving THEIR OWN kids what they deserve for being bad. To help keep THEIR OWN kids inline and headed down the right path in life…

Without some form of “Law and Order” for their kids, there’ll only be anarchy. With the kids running wild, doing what THEY want to do, and show no respect for anyone…

To the whiners and bawl babies bitching about kids getting spanked… I think YOU need a spanking and time out, NOW GO SIT IN THE CORNER, YOU BAWL BABY BITCH MOTHERFUCKERS!

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Come on people…

General It Is Said

You’ve been reading my blog for how long now? You should know better than to think everything I say in a blog post is meant to be taken seriously.

Yes, some of the rants were written in a serious manner, but alot of the additional crap I added into the posts were mere sarcasm. Ask anyone that knows me personally (Ravin, imacrazybitch, or Jenn), that’s how I am in real life…

So please, sit back, relax, masturbate, or whatever it is you do to keep yourself from getting the panties in a bunch and enjoy the “Twisted/sarcastic” posts of mine… wheee!

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