Monthly Archives: April 2004
- 30 April, 2004
- My Ex-Wife – The Bitch!!!!
I know I shouldn’t be really posting this, but fuck it lol. I know it got a lot of attention before so here it goes! I need to get this all out some how, some where lol. I’ll just put down in a numbered format what I had to put up with 24-7!! 1) She […]
- 30 April, 2004
- I Love It When…
I Love It When… 1) Someone asks to borrow like $5.00 or $10.00 and they say they will pay you back right away…but it takes 5 or 10 years by the time you actually get it back. 2) Someone calls every 5 minutes through out a day to see if that specific person is home […]
- 30 April, 2004
- Annoying Debt Collectors…
Them: Hi! Mr. SoAndSo! I’m calling about a debt you haven’t paid on since 99! I was wondering if you’d like to make a payment of at least $50.00? I would just need your checking acct info or credit card….it’s that easy… You: If it’s so easy, can you make the first $50.00 payment for […]
- 30 April, 2004
- Ring!….Ring!…..Ring!!!
Well! I made these twisted messages up that someone would get when calling your cell phone all the damn time driving you nuts! JUST LIKE MY BRO DID TO ME! DROVE ME FUCKIN NUTS! He inspired me to do these lmao! Ring!….Ring!…..Ring!!! 1) Hello..? I can’t answer the phone the right now….I’m either doing your […]
- 30 April, 2004
- You Know You’re Cheap When…..
Below here is some twisted jokes or whatever I had made up while being on the shitter taking a big ass SHIT! They might not be really funny but…deal with it fuckers! You Know You’re Cheap When… 1) You think everything in the Dollar General Store is too expensive…and can’t wait for them to mark […]
- 29 April, 2004
This one is a piece of work let me tell ya! Besides all the other BIPOLAR BITCHES I have to deal with…this one takes the cake! She must be the mother of all BI POLAR BITCHES! Or maybe even the devil’s mother or older sister…I dunno. Either way it’s hard to really tell! But…anyways..this IS […]
- 26 April, 2004
I have decided to take a piece of my spam mail and share with you all, a nice and simple reply by me! Here below is the copied email that I was sending back to them…prolly won’t get to them..but it makes me feel better that I replied with my WONDER-FUCKING-FUL comments!! YOU CAN TAKE […]
- 26 April, 2004
- Gotta love the…… Spam Mail!!
Nothing makes my day like SPAM MAIL! You just can’t fucking beat it…just when you think you got them fuckers deleted from the INBOX….more just keeps coming and coming! I swear! I add like most of them addys to my junk address book and have them go straight to hell in the trash bin and […]
- 25 April, 2004
- I must be a….BITCH MAGNET!
I don’t know what the hell is going on! But I must be a bitch magnet! It seems like I’m being “punished” or something. If I am, Please tell me why and for what so I won’t do the shit again!! The past few relationships it’s like, I happened to get with Bipolar Bitches from […]