Summer Time…

Feelings General Rants

Ah yes, the time for spending time with family you don’t really give a shit about anyway, and you gotta do things you don’t wanna do… Not to mention having to do more work around the house that you rather not do, and last but not least, family reunion picnics and shit.

It’s the season of the workers, it’s the season that separates the lazies from the doers. God I love summer, but fuck do I hate to work all the time. I’m far from being Mr. Fatness, but … I’m still just Mr. Lazy Fuck. If the economy wasn’t so shitty, and I could actually get a job again, I’d be doing stuff for money. But why bother?

Then employers wonder why, they get shitty and lazy workers? Come on! You’re setting the example yourselves!! You lazy fucks! Let’s face it though, most are lazy through any season! But the bottom line is, employers are more lazy then the workers they hire to start with! They’re fucking hypocrites! God Damn Motherfuckers!

Fuck the Govt, fuck Obama, fuck employers, fuck Obama’s Health Care shit, fuck summer, fuck insurance, fuck internet bullshit, fuck freelancing (you’re screwed anyway), fuck anything you know, fuck anything you don’t know but want too, fuck the economy, fuck schooling, fuck parents, fuck grandparents, fuck “friends”, fuck slanderous bitches (making shit up, blaming you for doing something you ain’t done), fuck the seasons and the changes, fuck it all! Just wait till the shit hits the fan, then fuck that too. Boo Hoo. I’m out.

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All talk, no walk…

Bitches It Is Said Rants

Basically the title says it. People are pansy fucks, they’re all talk, no walk… They say they’ll do something, yet don’t do it. Really must be nice to be hypocrite, and talking of wonders, only really to be so full of shit in the end anyway. I’m sorry, but I don’t have time for you then too. Fuck you, fuck this, fuck that, and fuck everything you’re about. I’m done, and gone. You’re gone. Accept it, and love it, you wouldn’t give a fuck anyway! Haha! Keep stepping fuckers… Talk walkers, walking in reverse. Walk back into that mac truck going 60mph fuckers… You’re done, you’re gone. Pussies.

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“The Soup”…

General Rants

We all KNOW the head man of this show… Come on Girls.. T-Hehe.. It’s where we get the latest dis on others in the celebrity news…

Only a Bi-Gay guy can stalk you so much, making fun of you… and dissing you like he does, because he’s a stalker… If he’s not following you personally, he has his crew doing it, to gather the dirt. Wouldn’t that be ironic, if someone got some “Soup Talk” on him? Haha. Yes, it would. Let’s see what HE does daily… Let’s have a laugh at him for once.

Fuck you. All celebs have a life, they earn their money, and live, you’re just a fucking leech devouring them. You’re pussy. Put those cute swim trunks on you big gay homo… I never saw such a bitch swim in his own soup before. The soup of male cum. Cum on now, swim. Swim bitch!

Only a “soup” of bullshit twisted, to make his ego grow, which really, he has none. Pussy Pansy bitch needs to take a dive in his own shit soup. Pussy Bitch needs some counseling, they serve it free I imagine.. there’s counselors for the celebs fucked up? Keep smiling like that you closet peeper prick, wanna be a something, but ain’t ever gonna be shit.

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Michelle Frye, fuck her in the pussy and you might die…

Bitches It Is Said

If you dove in without scuba gear that is…Jesus Mc Fucking Christmas Christ, she a big bitch! You’d need to wear a “Lawn and Leaf” garbage bag as condom to dive in it, and even then, she wouldn’t notice anything though…

Although, that depends on the total weight and etc of course. We’d hate to sink a ship with a mother-load like that. But, she’d be perfect for a display case at the local fish shop…

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It only takes one to link to me, then they all follow…

Bitches Rants

I noticed an in-coming referral link earlier the other night, and it’s listed on a chick’s blog from when the past drama whore clique was running amok… Of course I emailed her, asking for it to be removed, no response yet…

But seriously, I don’t want these past drama whores following my blog. I’ve already purposely gone through all the comments, and posts, removing their links or removing past posts about them in general, because the past was past, and it was bullshit drama for their own amusement.

Just picture a bunch of (unhappily) married women, running around stirring up the drama bullshit 247, because either A.) Their lives are so boring, they just have to be part of drama, or stir up new drama bullshit to get through the weeks… B.) They just can’t live without it, because like most normal people, blood is what keeps us alive and ticking, but to them it’s drama. Or C.) Well…who are we kidding, reasons A and B are the only reasons they wanted and nothing else.

I’m sure there will be a tear fest, bitching and bawling, that I helped make it just as much as they have… Oh well, most of you’ve deserved the shit I done. Hell, I even went out on a limb to help them sour cunts, and even went against the buddy at the time, to help them. They weren’t grateful, nor happy for shit. It’s okay though, whatever… But back on the referral linking shit, I’d rather not have it. I’ve already gotten two hits from Canada…. The thought of having Krystole (the WordPress custom theme stealing bitch) on my blog, irks me.

If they start shit again, we’ll just have more war again. I guess that’s all we can say for now… It only takes one, to make their pack come back… Damn shame. Ah well…

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The Ronald McFucking Donald clown bitch, makes a come-back in McDumbass Donalds commercials…


Just when I thought the Pansy Ronald McDumb-Fuck Donalds clown had died, I was wrong…

Especially this older commercial, where you’ve really made him look like a big gay homosexual, too close for comfort for being around kids…

But come on McDumbass Donalds… you’ve basically killed the clown off long ago, because apparently new slogans were better…”Are you lovin it?” or “I’m lovin it!” Lovin what exactly? The fact that while you’re there nomming on McDonalds food all the time, you’ll eventually turn into the fat sow, you’ll later bitch of becoming? I’ll do another post on this “slogan” later though…

Hell, even the majority of their workers are Dumb-asses, as I’ve stated in an older post on here. The only thing about McDonald’s is their fries, and even that’s the worst thing for anyone though, considering the fact that most don’t know how to say “no” to eating their “fat sow; creating foods”.

Either way, watch out for the Clown Bitch, he might just nail ya in the Mc Bung Hole, and molest your kids… But you wouldn’t care if he did anyway, cause you’re too busy nomming down on their fatty foods, making yourselves into true cows. I’m done with this shit.

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Obama is shit…

Feelings It Is Said Rants

He claimed to help our Country, yet is worse than most past Presidents. He’s a shit talker, trying to talk about helping us, yet is failure. He’s sinking our Country farther into the ground then any other President. He slapped wrapping paper around us, and slapped a “Don’t open till Christmas” sticker on it.

He’s fail. Nothing about him is good. He’s making America into a dictatorship Country, he’s making us into bullshit. He’s paving the way for the “New World Order”… Wake up Americans! He’s shit, and I’d rather have a secretary sucking cock Monica, back in with President Clinton. Anything but Obama. Obama is our false prophet, the lying fuck, pretending to bring us “hopes”, when really it’s all talk and bullshit.

We’re already in debt beyond belief, fuck others. And fuck you too Obama. You’re fail, and anything you come up with is fail. You’re the reason why us Americans have doubts in our government. You’re just fail. Done.

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Backstabbers and shit talkers….

Feelings Rants

They can lick my nuts and fuck off. They too pussy to talk directly to me, they gotta talk their shit smack talk to others… They can’t talk to me directly, they’re pussy. I hate them, I hate you too! Wanna be punks and dissers. Talk to me, not behind my back… Cowards. I’ll level your ass…from the word “get”. Let the games begin bitches. I’ll make it news, you pansy fucks.

A note to friends, watch out who you’re friends with. They’ll be there to back-stab and talk shit on you. They’re not “friends”. All these “friends” you claim to have, are bullshitters. They’re there to “help” once and while, other wise they’re awol and shit talking on you. They’re really not “friends”. All these wanna be “Friends” can go fuck themselves to hell and back, because honestly, I don’t need them nor want them. Fucking Pansy motherfucker narcs, fuck em.

Fuck narcs, and fuck all those that shit talk on you for no reason. They’re pussies, and can’t handle truth. I’m done with this shit…

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Get 3 big bertha pepper plants when you order 3 rainbow pepper plants…


Just when you thought the spammer bastards would try and lure you in on something at least half decent and worth checking out… They’ve now sunk to the lowest of the low, and are now sending out pointless emails regarding Pepper plants and Rainbow Pepper plants?

The way it sounds, they’re also trying to keep up with the “Skittles” candies… Bottom line is this, it’s pointless. But Big Bertha, keep waving that Rainbow flag you fat sow, and nom on some Skittles.

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Telemarketers and various tech support fuck-twats…

General It Is Said Rants

One of the worst things about calling up for tech support regarding an issue about any product you might have purchased, for example; Verizon DSL High Speed, or what-not. Is that most of the tech support representatives are fucking foreign fucks from India, or some other damn over-seas Country…And you never know what the fuck they’re saying, until after 20 minutes asking … “Wait, what? What did you say? Can you repeat that?

The same goes for damn telemarketers from “Bum Fuck Egypt” some where, while getting nailed by a donkey. I’m not racist at all though, but if you’re living in the shitty U.S.A, and doing these jobs, please fucking speak our native language… English!

Why should we learn your language? If you’re here, or standing behind an American company, geared towards English speaking folks, then it would be easier for you to speak our language, and speak so we can understand your damn ass. I’m quite sure our phone calls wouldn’t be more than 30 to 60 minutes long, had you spoke English clearly and not some gibberish bullshit.

Me: What? What the fuck you saying bitch?

Foreign Fuck Tech Support Person: Ing Chang Cho… Baljskdjflkdjflksdjflkd

Me: *Click, click.. Dial tone…* Fucking damn foreign fucks… *Redials again, in hopes of getting an English speaking person… *

Me: Thank God! You’re speaking English!! (Rest of conversation runs smoothly from here out, and gets handled in less time.)

If you can’t speak English, don’t be here in the shitty U.S.A or don’t stand behind an American company… it’s simple. I’m done with this bullshit…

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