Hello my new frend!!! (this not spam)


Riiight, not spam… suuuure… Can’t spell “friend”, and emphasize the fact that it’s NOT spam in your subject line… It’s a dead give away you foreign whorebag. Me sorry, but me not gonna fall 4 u and this shit!

Hello my new frend!!!
My name Victoriya. Me 24 years. I – saw your profile on othersingles.com and i interesting corresponder with You.
I romantic, good, sensitive, intellectual, reliable girl. I search for, which – that special to be its partner. You should be an artist, in in your shower. But I search only serious relations, I am killed already simply by morons which would want only chance photo that masturbated on it!!! If you such. Then please at all do not answer me. The Harmony, understanding and confidence also much it is important.
If You interesting corresponder with me also. You can write in my email
:viktoriya2424@gmail.com. I so regret, but I have no any photo for my profile now. And if You answer me
viktoriya2424@gmail.com then I – send You certain mine photo and dialect more about me directly. With best

You’re just an overseas (my guess is Russia) whore and slut, and are willing to TRY and sucker the first American dumb fuck male (not me) that answers your shitty grammatical error filled email! I’m sorry bitch, but keep stepping!

EVEN IF you look like this….

Russian Whore Bag By Mail Bitch!

You’re still a dumb-fuck whore bag bitch, that can’t spell for a shit, and from what I am seeing, you’re the only moron! Why? Because Othersingles.com has gone down months ago! I don’t even have a profile there no more bitch! Keep stepping! Keep on Russian someone else to get with you, cause it ain’t gonna be me! Wha Wha Wheee!

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AOL’s Point and Speak…


A few years ago, I bought that AOL Point and Speak software… Why? Because, it’s every lazy person’s dream! You don’t have to type! You just chat into a stupid microphone and the software types it out for you!

It was SO awesome too! Well, KIND OF awesome anyway. It did SUCK having to go back through EVERYTHING you chatted out into text form and correcting all of the damn fuck-ups it’s done. Well, here’s a few examples I’ve found on some site

I said into the mic: I can’t help falling in love with you
Point & Speak typed: I can’t help fully unload with you

I said into the mic: Amazing grace! how sweet the sound
Point & Speak typed: Amazing grace House sweep the sound

I said into the mic: Britney Spears
Point & Speak typed: Brady Spears (What? Did she have a sex change?)

I said into the mic: Then we will be debt-free!
Point & Speak typed: Then we will be dead free.

I said into the mic: …we’ve talked about taking a trip… possibly Jamaica, Florida or Hawaii.
Point & Speak typed: …we’ve talked about taking a trip… possibly Jamaica, Florida or why he.

I don’t know how all of those were fucked up, especially if the guy that was talking into the microphone wasn’t drunk!? Or, maybe he was, I’m not sure! Or, perhaps a drunk fuck created the software itself? Nah, because then everything would be typed into a slur…

I said into the mic: Congress has impeached President Bill Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice in the matter of his affair with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.
Point & Speak typed: Congress has in peach President Bill Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice in the matter of his affair with White House intern Monaco whiskey.

I said into the mic: As for our family, we had an eventful year but a lovely Christmas.
Point & Speak typed: As for our family, we had uneventful year bought a lovely Christmas.

I said into the mic: …she is no longer “zoned out”…
Point & Speak typed: …she is no longer sold out…

I said into the mic: As for his behavior, it’s typical for a nine-year-old except for some mouthiness now and then.
Point & Speak typed: As for his behavior, it’s typical for a nine-year-old except for some Month-Ended-Down then.

I said into the mic: …he has moved in with Kathy and commutes to work each day.
Point & Speak typed: …he has moved in with Kathy and commits to work each day.

I said into the mic: Jim and Kathy
Point & Speak typed: GM and Kathy

I said into the mic: Dan & Joyce are okay.
Point & Speak typed: Dan and choice are okay.

I said into the mic: Patrick Ringer is selling Marie’s house. Patti may buy it.
Point & Speak typed: Patrick greater is selling Marie’s house. Patti may buy at.

I said into the mic: We paid for most of Joe’s orthodontia.
Point & Speak typed: We paid for most of Joe’s Orthodox a.

I said into the mic: We now pay Joe $3 per week in allowance
Point & Speak typed: We now paid Joel $3 per week in allowance

I said into the mic: Then we will be debt-free!
Point & Speak typed: Then we will be dead free.

I said into the mic: …empty tote boxes waiting to be filled with organized stuff
Point & Speak typed: …empty tote boxes waiting to be filled with organized of

I said into the mic: Go For It!
Point & Speak typed: Goal for it!

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What’s happening?


Well, since you all don’t know shit about what’s going on with me lately, I’ll fill ya in…

  1. Besides working my ass off at the job, I’ve been working my ass off on the site in various ways. More details about this coming in another post. I know, boring! Shut the fuck up, who asked you anyway!?!?
  2. In the process of moving ALL of my domains from shitty Dreamhost.com to Namecheap.com, and moved ALL of my sites from Dreamhost.com to my buddies host. Notice the improvement? I sure do! Hasn’t been down yet (knock on wood), and it’s faster than a couple of rabbits during mating season…

    The only domain that hasn’t been moved yet, is VindictiveBastard.com. Damn the 60 day ICANN rules!! It should be able to move on the 18th of this month though.. *crosses fingers* .. Then, it’s bye bye shitty Nightmarehost.com, I mean… Dreamhost.com.
  3. Still working ass off at shit work, and just haven’t been in a mood to post lately!

Welp, that’s about it! Now it’s time to take a little nap, like good old lazy bastards do!

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New theme…


Well, once again I went and spoiled myself with a new theme for VB. =D I know it’s a bit plain and simple, but ya gotta admit… it’s fucking sexy! I hope everyone else likes it, after all I spent $250.00 on it.

Of course, it’s the same as before. The theme is unique and one of a kind, so anyone else out there that has one like this… is a theme thief *cough* Krystal. And no, ya can’t have it either. Got $250.00 for it? No? Didn’t think so…

Anyway, I just wanted to let everyone know about it, get word out, and I hope everyone likes it besides me… Some other things might be happening on here as well then… just have to find the time first… Aight, I think that’s about all.. tata!

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Shit sells!

General Rants

And then quality don’t sell for a shit! As I was trying to prove a point in the DigishitalPoint forums.. I mean, DigitalPoint.com Template Sales forums…

Bargain shoppers and cheap skates hurt the design / template creating market in general. Everyone expects designs / themes so cheap, it’s fucking bullshit! Then the quality unique stuff doesn’t want bought at reasonable (high) prices, it basically “forces” that seller / designer / coder to sell it at rock bottom prices, which is a disgrace.

Shit = Sells!
Quality = Don’t sell for a shit because everyone wants things FREE / cheap! It’s sickening.

I whipped up a couple QUICK designs at 5am something the other day, and tried selling them off once. Hell, I at LEAST thought this one would go faster!

It’s a one of a kind design! Totally unique and different from anyone else’s. Shit, how many other people out there have the exact same shit on their desktops that I do… None I’m sure..

The sale threads weren’t to be serious of course, just to see what people would do or not do about them… It’s amazing though…and at the same time, it’s total bullshit… Designs like the ones I whipped up normally go like hot cakes, however mine weren’t!?!?!?!?! WTF!?!?!?! LOL!


Ah well, at least there were a few people agreeing with me though. And to think, I wrote up a rant thread on their forums 305 days ago, about the exact same shit! I guess we all just gotta face the facts… DigitalPoint forums is the place to go to buy and sell the SHIT!

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After first hearing about my buddies new site I-Am-Mean.com, while he was in the process of coming up with the domain name and the thought behind. I was still intrigued.

To me, it’s a place to go to unleash your deepest mean things you’ve done in life. I see it as an online confession session, where you don’t have to hide the things you’ve done wrong. You can post it as anonymous or as yourself.

Like any other site, you’re bound to have the critics and bitches bitching up storms about what you’ve done. But, that’s always going to happen anyway! No one is perfect, no one is God, no one is 100% decent in life.

His site is only 2 months old, and he’s already had the following media exposure:

– 7 Radio stations.
– 1 TV station.
– 7 websites.

It’s worth the look! Go ahead and check out I-Am-Mean.com!

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Unbinding the ties that bind…and binding new ones…


Well, I uninstalled AIM messenger for good tonight. Fuck it. I’m tired of the damn thing crashing my shit on the computer, and slowing things down to an incredible slow speed…

Microsoft Windows (XP Home Edition) sucks more dick than a cheap hooker on the weekend anyway… so why make things worse by having shitty programs like AIM helping to fuck things up more!?!?!? Pfft, please…

That’s why I’m saying… USE SKYPE PRICKS! Go download the son of a bitch and install it… I’d rather everyone use Skype instead of the other shitty ass messengers out there …

Skype is the FIRST messenger that don’t jerk around, crash my shit, freeze up my screens, and it don’t take long to login and start chatting with! AIM is the WORST one to fuck my shit up.. hence for removing the piece of flopping shitty fucking crap… Got brains? Get Skype… no more bullshit hype…

I got my Skype username for anyone that wants it, just send email via the Contact page. It’s not a hard one to remember, unless you’re an uneducated prick that don’t got a G.E.D yet…

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It builds…

Feelings General

Every fucking day my anger builds and builds. It never settles, it just keeps on building and building until I fucking burst. It’s at a level state so far, but it building up…and one of these days soon here I going to fucking explode… and it won’t be long… I’m just going to go off like a boiler lid popping off the top of pan… I’m trying to be good..I’m trying to be nice.. I’m trying to keep calm.. but It ain’t gonna hold for long… it all gonna come out…

No tags, no nothing… just just just dead calm… for now at least.. GOD FUCK GOD FUCK I CAN’T HOLD IT NO MORE FUCK GOD!!!!!!!

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